TTS / Friday, 15 July 2011 12:58 |
 After the Auditions in Yaounde, The final contestant for the Miss West Africa Cameroon Contest are now known. The concept of Miss West Africa’s international was introduced in order to discover different regional queens Miss West Africa is contested in 16 countries , including Miss West Africa USA, Canada and the UK. Miss West Africa International is now a beauty pageant in the world and the title is only available to winners of Miss West Africa West at the regional level. Miss West Africa Cameroon was created in order to conceive culture of the countries of West Africa from the events by creating an awareness cultural , Social , Health and beauty wealth from West Africa that we do not see in what the media show us and we often suggest. A qualified jury will select women of West African origin in a search of natural beauty, intelligent and virtuous woman. Penjo Entertainment In Cameroon is organising Auditions across the country in preparation for the National Finals at the end of this Month

Last Updated on Friday, 15 July 2011 13:22 |