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1. Poetry: Pray for me
Pray for me Drawn to evil I feel my shield going down My days have become dark and evil Not that I'm prone But I'll need more than my innocence to save me I'll need your prayer Pray for me not to fall, ...
2. Poetry: Cross roads
... eye As I count my breath And pray it isn't my last God save me, I hear myself cry If this will be my last, let me have one high One for the road Before I set cross roads (C) Sharon Dione March 25th  ...
Red roses on a broken glass Is where we are Shattered, torn, lifeless Yet red in red We hoped on the glass To save, what we had left Of us All we've is soil Soil to start all over (C) Sharon Dione March ...
Gifted with soul-warming vocals, Emmauela Fumeh is poised to tell the story of the goodness of God and His begotten son who came down so that we could be saved. That message is conspicuous in her latest ...
... out at the Limbe-based Save The Children Alliance Orphanage where she celebrated her birthday with the kids on October 25. Casually, yet cutely dressed, the lead actress in University Girls who doubles ...
... occasion, I had a surplus. When I had to ’’ broke the bank’’,(this was the normal language used to mean opening the box to see how much had been saved) for my first Youth Day, the money was not enough ...
... Scholz, another illustrious daughter of Sierra-Leone. Battered by the current crisis, Giileh explained that it was time for the world to unite efforts and save these countries from such a tragic situation. ...
... help but they can't save her. Ernest, this is a film that will pull at your heart. It will keep you at the edge of your seat. EK: What are the projects you have in the pipeline? MD:Right now I have ...
... a connection that can help save their difficult relationship. They coincide in the same forest and unknown to them, the same mystery that plagues the forest is that which will eventually change their lives ...
... want to be saved and be safe.” Written by the USA-based Cameroonian singer herself, part of the single is being recorded in a Cincinnati studio and the rest, by Anitta Etta will be packaged in Texas, ...
... tips, suggestion and advice on how couples save their relationships and prevent divorce. I would say here that we devote much time on marital problems because there seems to be a whole lot of things our ...
... when you think everything is over, one of them make attempts to save the marriage – one is trying to pick up the pieces and the other does all to break it, while getting advice from one source. The adviser ...
... priority as stated in her platform is to help save lives in the Horn of Africa. She recognises the emergency in Somalia and wants to immediately launch her campaign to 'Feed The Hungry' in Somalia. She ...
... as it it is well done and touching.  It doesn't matter if it is techno, bikutsi, rap, salsa.Were you financially able to fund the start of your music Career?Yes, but we did need to save a lot of ...
15. Eriko Ends Silence
(Music Stars/Music Stars)
... fan expressed herself at the Douala concert. To the young musician, it is God's might that saved him from the ugly hands of death. He told reporters that he was now physically apt and could continue ...
16. Corner Corner Street Awaited
Getting the public acquainted to the new criminal procedure code (CPC), is what Pani Forminyen seeks to achieve via Corner Corner Street, a 15-episode serial. Directed by Pani Fominyen herself, the ...
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  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
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  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...