How green the pasture is, can only be determined by the adventurer. The truth is that immigrants from African countries, Haiti, the Caribbean Island, Jamaica, and other places where Blacks live, must hustle hard and harder to make it in America. Even at that, making it is relative. You may be successful in career and pulling the dollars, yet, faced by challenges that weigh you down like nothing ever did. Just the fact that in certain places, words and actions brutally remind you of where you’re coming from, is ground-breeding for stress and why not depression. In his new book, ALIEN AT HOME, Antoine Gnintedem exploits this topic and possibly charts a way forward. The USA-based Cameroonian author who doubles as an educator brings his book, his perspective on Black immigrants and his solutions on radio this Friday, June 17, 2022. The author of DOOM, GLOOM AND THE PERSUIT OF THE SUN (his previous book), will be guest on APEX SNAPSHOT (Literature version). Antoine will be throwing more light on the book and inviting us to procure our copies, now available on Amazon. The show starts at 9am Eastern time.
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